BREAKING: Priests Accused Of Selling Indulgences For Bit Coins

VATICAN––Sources are confirming this morning that 11 priests are being accused of selling indulgences for bitcoins. The news comes just days after Pope Francis removed Bishop Ronaldo Tetzel from his position at the Vatican Bank after he admitted to sanctioning the sale of indulgences for those who gave “bit-alms” to help pay for renovations at St. Peter’s Basilica. “We... Read More
BREAKING NEWS: Update On Newly Discovered Manuscript
September 19, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Uncategorized

Photo: AP Rome, Italy––In what many were touting “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife,” the recently discovered, 4th century papyrus found by a historian at Harvard Divinity School seemed to shed light on an age old debate on whether Jesus ever married. The papyrus, no larger than a business card, contains the phrase, “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…'” But... Read More