Vatican Offering Cyber Monday 50% Off Sale On All Indulgences

Even though far more Catholics shopped online than in churches on Black Friday weekend, they are apparently not done yet. A new EOTT survey released Sunday estimates that some 67-million Roman Catholics will shop online for their remission of temporal punishment in purgatory due for sins after absolution on Cyber Monday. That’s up only slightly from last year’s 65-million shoppers. With Walmart and Amazon recently entering the Cyber Monday indulgence... Read More
Pope Francis Calls Ten Commandments Too Rigid
November 22, 2016 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

[News Brief] Pope Francis on Monday warned against the excessive rigidity of the Ten Commandments and said “God gives us the freedom to search our own conscience for commandments.” “I always try to understand what’s behind people who are too young to have seen Moses walk down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, and yet still they want to obey them,” Francis said. “Sometimes I find myself confronted with a very... Read More
Four Cardinals Ask Francis To Clarify IKEA Instructions

Image: Sean Hobson Telling the press today that instructions of Pope Francis’ IKEA gift to them had numerous inconsistencies, four cardinals wrote a letter to him asking that he “resolve the uncertainties and bring clarity to the instruction manual for the armchair.” “We the undersigned, but also many bishops and priests, ask that you provide the correct interpretation to page three of the IKEA instructions for your AMÖRIS Armchair gift,”... Read More
Anti-Francis Protests Continue Over The Closing Of The Year Of Mercy

Image: jonathan-mcintosh Protesters hit the streets today over the closing of the Year of Mercy, marking the second day of demonstrations in cities such as St. Louis, Denver, and San Diego. In Virginia, a group of Catholics gathered to demonstrate against Francis’ anti-traditionalist rhetoric. “The main purpose is to tell Pope Francis that he can’t just end the Year of Mercy,” said protester, Augustine Parks. “There are millions... Read More
U.S. Bishops Meet In Baltimore To Discuss Churches Providing Safe Spaces From Hostile Catholic Teachings

Image: nfutvol The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops met in Baltimore yesterday to discuss churches in the United States providing “safe spaces” from hostile Catholic teachings, such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Bishops at the assembly said that serving Catholics that are emotionally distraught by certain Church teachings is “part of our identity as Catholics,’’ and pledged to provide safe spaces in every church in America. ‘‘We stand... Read More