Woman Wearing Mantilla During Novus Ordo Clearly Batshit Crazy

April 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Parish Life

Pointing out the batshit crazy woman wearing a mantilla during a Novus Ordo Mass, local Catholic J.D. White told reporters today that the religious freak had even knelt to receive communion on the tongue as if to show off how holy she was.

“I’ll be honest when I say that I’m a bit afraid of the wacko,” White told reporters as he continually checked for the veiled religious zealot to appear with a bomb strapped to her chest or something like that. “You just never know what these wingnuts are capable of. The woman is clearly deranged. She’s been praying with her eyes closed all throughout Mass.”

Other parishioners reported that the “freak show” continued to exhibit signs of lunacy as she knelt to receive communion and then preceded to draw even more attention to herself when people realized that she was dressed reverently for Mass.

“Pssst…you…come over here,” one parishioner told EOTT near the end of Mass. “A bunch of us are planning to throw trash at the Catholic jihadist lady as she walks to her car after Mass. You interested?”