Atheist Blesses Sneezing Woman
June 21, 2018 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Image:mcfarlandmo Local atheist Thomas Winters has been accused of saying “Bless you” to a stranger who sneezed late Wednesday night, several sources are reporting. Friends of Winters say that at approximately 11:07 pm at Burger Club Lounge, Winters, a staunch atheist, blessed a man sitting at a table next to him, and then continued to bless him after each consecutive sneeze. Winters allegedly said “bless you” up to ten times as the stranger... Read More
World Cup: Trump Rooting For Russia In Hopes Of Finally Having A Team Accept Invitation To White House

In his desire to have a team, “any team,” actually want to come visit him, White House officials this morning announced that President Trump is officially rooting for the Russian National Football Team in this year’s World Cup. “I’ve heard the experience of having a championship team come visit the White House is pretty awesome for a president,” a hopeful Trump told reporters this afternoon. “Obama and Bush both told me how cool it... Read More