Chuck-50012 Still Desperately Awaiting Response From Kristin-51053 On Catholic Match
April 2, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life, Uncategorized

San Luis Obispo, CA––After drawing international fame last November for his heartfelt message to fellow Catholic Match member Kristin-51053, Chuck-50012 has expressed disappointment to friends and family after not receiving a response for over four months now. The 31-year-old California based web developer told Eye of the Tiber that since writing Kristin-51053 he has spent endless hours... Read More
Italian Doctor Prescribes Israel, Palestine High Dose Of Chill Pill
December 6, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

ROME––At the request of Pope Benedict XVI, Rome’s foremost family counselor Dr. Umberto Navarro announced today that he has sat down with Israel and Palestine to try to encourage the volitile couple to peacefully work out their issues. “I sat down with the couple for an hour long counseling session and it quickly became apparent that the relationship is not only insecure,... Read More
Man On Catholic Match Finally Ready To Message Kristin-51053
November 19, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life, Uncategorized

San Luis Obispo, CA––31-year-old Chuck-50012 has finally finished writing his message to Kristin-51053 after one month and 17 revisions his friends are now reporting. The web developer, who celebrated his fifth anniversary on Catholic Match last week, has been working, tirelessly, to write the perfect message. “I don’t usually spend this much time on a message,” Chuck-50012... Read More