Germany Abdicates World Cup Championship; Argentina To Assume Title

BRAZIL––The German National Team today stunned soccer fans across the globe with their announcement that they would abdicate the World Cup title, effective today. FIFA, the international governing body of association football, said today it has voted the largely unknown Argentinian National Team to assume the title of champions of the soccer world. In a statement issued today, the... Read More
German “Bling” Bishop Asks Jesus What He Should Do That He May Have Everlasting Life
March 28, 2014 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Limburg, Germany–Pope Francis has reportedly removed German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, dubbed the “bling” bishop, for spending 43 million dollars renovating his home in Limburg, Germany. Friends of the German Bishop told EOTT this morning that upon hearing the news, Tebartz-van Elst retired to his chapel where he proceeded to ask Jesus what he should do that he may have life... Read More