Confused Parishioner Won’t Stop Accidently Saying “And Also With You”

December 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Mass, Uncategorized

photo: Gregory L. Tracy

Hoboken, New Jersey––It is being reported today that Timothy Perkins of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Hoboken, New Jersey continually made the wrong responses at Mass, despite having the new laminated translation guide in his hands. “He had it in his hands, but he wasn’t using it,” an unnamed parishioner who was sitting next to Perkins at Mass said, adding that Perkins’ baritone voice constantly threw off his own responses. “Honestly, though, how do you still not know the responses? He’s here every week, for goodness sakes.” Other parishioners told Eye of the Tiber that Perkins seemed so confused at one point that he had given up trying to say the correct responses for both the new and the old translation, at one point responding, “And also with your spirit as well.”