Jason Evert Gives Chastity Talk To Roman Curia

Members of the Roman Curia and their parents were treated with a chastity talk at the Vatican auditorium this week by well-known chastity speaker Jason Evert. The talk focused on key points from his new book, Theology of the Body for the Roman Curia, covering questions such as “At what stage in the life of someone in the Curia should parents talk to their son about chastity?” and “Tips for... Read More
Pope Francis To Investigate Roman Curia On TV Show “Undercover Boss”
April 25, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Uncategorized, Vatican

ROME–Executives from CBS confirmed Wednesday that Chief Executive Officer of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Pope Francis would be appearing in this season’s finale of the hit television show Undercover Boss. The finale, slated to appear in late May, will feature the Pontiff taking on an alias and fictional backstory as he navigates his way through different... Read More
Vatican Insiders Reveal Benedict Resigned Because Roman Curia “Too Fabulous”

Sources close to Pope Benedict revealed today that the ultimate reason for his resignation was not his old age, but in fact an inability to keep up with the “fabulousness” of the Roman Curia. “The Holy Father is a simple man,” our sources said, “and can’t keep up with the non-stop furniture re-arrangements, the hair stylings, or the near-hourly musical numbers he found himself surrounded... Read More